Tuesday, November 6, 2018


  • My Contact Info Business # 541-791-6854 
  • Email onlinepcmaintenance@techie.com 
Do you know what DRIVERS are for a laptop or desktop computer? Have you ever configured the Drivers for a Computer? If you are new to this process I would love to be of service. 
  Online PC Miantanence iobit1proxy.duckduckgo2 Download

If You Do Not Know About This I am here to share.  It is a free tool that works best with these Windows operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8, and 8.1 you can use with Windows 10 but it is petty self-sufficient.  This is Iobit Driver Booster works well and I use it on my personal laptop. Now like with every free tool they will offer the upgrade and this will have to be your personal decision if you chose to get all the bells and whistles I'm simply a free kind of guy. 
Visit: https://wriggleworks.wordpress.com

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Working Into A Frenzy

Looking for those who are at home with an operating laptop or a 
desktop computer that has become 
slower than usual  and may even have been experience the blue screen.


Have you seen this one before or this one?

There are many causes for these types of errors 
and I offer a service that can be useful 
in preventing these errors from occurring.
If you have experienced either of these once there is still hope!
I have the tools if you have the time.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Breaking Ground

Working With An Advertising Site

Here is another great way to post ads I have chosen to give this a whirl for my online business. 
There are some very cool tools that are offered for free and like I've told many of you I'm all about free when it comes to the internet.
There is an offer found on my ad if you are looking for a system refresh take advantage of this offer today.



Friday, July 6, 2018

Keep 10 change lOOk to Windows 7

Get the look and feel of Windows 7  

That's RIGHT you have the latest Microsoft Windows 10 programming but KEEP what you have known for years Windows 7 look and feel while owning Windows 10 and all it offers.
Yes, I'm sure there are those who have found the secret to making Window 10 just a bit more user- friendly but for all the others this one is for you!  

Follow the link to get started to get the OLD look on a new version of windows TODAY! 

Or you can download this very cool software from here and you can learn on you own how to setup the cool stuff it comes with either way it is 100% *free 
Download ClassicShell

Just a reminder you can look me up on my Facebook page and follow me there as well.

This one is for ALL my Facebook Friends and Followers who are Windows 10 users!!! 
#1 Hassle Free Tech Support

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Loop'ty - Loop

"Dell computers & laptops" The issue; Reboot never booting into Window's 10 a continuous loop.

Below you find the tools needed to preform a recovery and /or a clean install

Go to a working computer, download, create a bootable copy, then perform a clean install.

Step 1: How to download official Windows 10 ISO files 

Step 2: How to: Perform a clean install of Windows 10

If there are files on the drive you want to recover, see -  How to: Perform a Custom install of Windows 10

Thank you
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