Thursday, August 22, 2019

BITS Error

HELPMSG 2182. Service registration is missing or corrupt

Windows 10 users here is one you will come across. NOT To panic I found the fix and want to pass it along

A huge thanks to Microsoft for this one I would be remiss in not give them credit for this one on their forum...

This is just one more reason when you buy a new computer or laptop you need to remove whatever virus protection that came with it before you activate it! 

All Windows 10 application comes with Defender from Microsoft...

This is for all brands of priority sold computer or laptops with any version of Windows 10 I can help resolve this issue before it Hangs, Stalls, or shut down. For $35.00 I can remove the 
pre-installed Antivirus software and turn ON Microsoft Defender before you activate the aftermarket Antivirus software.

Once you plug in your desktop or laptop and fire it up please setup your Antivirus before muddle things up let me help service this for you to prevent the BITS corruption before it affects the operations of your computer.

Here to help;
Business Mesage 542-791-6854

Monday, August 19, 2019

Script Host X

Windows Script Host POP-UPS
NO matter which Windows operating system you are using you can run into a start-up issue with Script Host messages that pop up and man they can be very annoying!!

 Here are a couple of annoying pop ups that can get in the way at boot or even in the middle of working on a project. One thing that really bug me me is that it stays on top of your work it just gets in the way.


So this pop up will cover you work or page untill you take action. Most will just click close or (X) out of it until it gets to a point of total frustration once it get to that point your probably ready to shoot it our just re-install the Windows operating system.   


LOOK, its not a virus or software its a program that has been enabled in the start-up you can disable in the STARUP from the TASK MANAGER once it has been disabled no more annoying pop-ups.

Here is how you access the TASK MANAGER
#1) right click the tool bar then choose task manager open it up
#2) on the tabs at the top open the START-UP tab
#3) look for Windows Based Window Host Script choose (Disable) DONE!