Let's start with the newest Microsoft browser Interment Explorer 11~
The newest design is a complement to the newest Windows 8.1 touch technology which in it own rights has some some pros and cons of it own.
They Just released a version of IE 11 for Windows 7 Pro and Home I currently use Window 7 Pro 32 bit application.
Here are the findings:
PROS: Its overall speed is desirable, it is secure browsing.
CONS: Still lacking in the TABS development. Microsoft windows still allows tab stacking. This causes an issue on my system with the sound control each time a new tab is opened the sound is at full volume on each TAB. I have talked with Microsoft support and they said they have not seen this issue,and will be working on it. Their suggested work around turn maim volume control down. So it is back to Google Chrome for now.
OK there is a NEW GUY in town for those who are not fans of the Google chrome or IE versions browsers and they both have there funky little quirks but Chrome still overall tends to out preform Internet explorer 11. DOWNLOAD
Here is the NEW GUY on the BLOCK...
The newest design is a complement to the newest Windows 8.1 touch technology which in it own rights has some some pros and cons of it own.
They Just released a version of IE 11 for Windows 7 Pro and Home I currently use Window 7 Pro 32 bit application.
Here are the findings:
PROS: Its overall speed is desirable, it is secure browsing.
CONS: Still lacking in the TABS development. Microsoft windows still allows tab stacking. This causes an issue on my system with the sound control each time a new tab is opened the sound is at full volume on each TAB. I have talked with Microsoft support and they said they have not seen this issue,and will be working on it. Their suggested work around turn maim volume control down. So it is back to Google Chrome for now.
OK there is a NEW GUY in town for those who are not fans of the Google chrome or IE versions browsers and they both have there funky little quirks but Chrome still overall tends to out preform Internet explorer 11. DOWNLOAD
Here is the NEW GUY on the BLOCK...
This light jewel has taken a hit form CNET but so far you will find that it out preforms IE and Chrome.
Take some time download it you will find that it has some of the chrome browser functionality however it has a lite weight personality of it is own and is quite the treat with all the new belles and whistles.
Download it today run it! I would love to hear you thoughts.
Download HERE