Monday, January 13, 2020

More ABC's For Windows 10

(BLOAT) bloat verb
bloated; bloating; bloats
Definition of bloat ---
1a: to make turgid or swollen
b: to cause abdominal distension in
2: to fill to capacity or overflowing

(BLOAT) Windows 10
Definition over structured and  useless software programming that clutters OS operations.

Welcome to a Windows tool that will make Windows 10 more user friendly and in this process reducing clutter.  In this post I want to start with the tool that will remove unnecessary BLOAT this will free up the system so that it work like a well oiled machine.

This process will test your resolve so lets get to it. The process is knowing how to open your POWER SHELL as Admin.

Take Notes...
The video just shows how to open Power Shell

In the command line copy and past this command line into Power Shell to begin this process.
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Once the window opens select REMOVE ALL BLOATWARE 

This is how you get rid of the useless clutter that keeps Windows 10 working optimally!  

Just one more observation below you see Optional Changes Fixes you can chose these to fit your needs the only one that you will not use will be Install.NET v3.5.

Remember to always check out my web-page @


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